Monday Mentions – Your First 1000 Copies

Your First 1000 Copies by Tim Grahl

For today’s Monday Mention, I want to highlight a book that I enjoyed. The book I am writing about is “Your First 1000 Copies” by Tim Grahl. As many of you might know, I am on a journey to become a writer. I did not go to school to become a writer and I have had very little training outside basic coursework in college. The majority of what I have learned about writing has come from trial and error.

Publishing A Book – Resources

As I have started to look for resources, it seems that there are so many resources which makes it difficult to know who to trust. I frequently have to ask, “Why should I listen to this supposed expert?” This question leads to other questions such as, “Are they telling me the truth, or do they have something to gain from the advise they are sharing?” All of this is to say that finding good, honest resources can be challenging.

So Why Share This?

I realize that many of my readers might have trouble relating. Odds are that a few might personally share this interest or at least know someone who could benefit. I would ask that you share this post with those you know who would benefit. I also want to make a point to highlight exceptional people and resources I come across. I highly value the creative work of writers, authors, designers, and programmers.

What Struck Me

Your First 1000 Copies is a treasure trove of knowledge for those seeking to publish and promote a book. I was struck by the other’s-first approach described in the book. The focus when writing a book and seeking help promoting was being incredibly helpful toward other people. This caused me to rethink my approach to the project I am working on now.


I am now going back through each chapter and asking, “how does this chapter help the reader?” Is there anything I can do to be more helpful to those reading my book? What resources can I provide in this chapter which would be more helpful? Tim’s insight in this book is invaluable. Thank you Tim for sharing your book with the world!

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LinkedIn: Tim Grahl
Facebook: Tim Grahl Books
Podcast: Book Launch Show
Even though the podcast is inactive, I still found past content to be helpful.
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